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"Duke's Blend" Spice

"Duke's Blend" Spice

Regular price €3,30 EUR
Regular price Sale price €3,30 EUR
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✓ Made in France by chef Philippe Bellan
✓ Made from authentic ingredients: preservative-free
✓ Eco-friendly
✓ 100% artisanal

Ingredients: Mace (Myristica fragans), Muscovado sugar, organic cinnamon, organic star anise, Gorilla pepper (Piper nigrum), organic cardamom seed, clove.

This blend is inspired by a recipe from the Middle Ages.
At that time, spices were few and worth gold. They were used as currency to pay taxes and duties, financial or commercial transactions. They were accessible only to lords and princes.
A spice mixture almost similar in composition to my Poudre des Ducs perfumed the wine "Claret". According to legend, this medicinal drink is attributed to the doctor of King Charles VII, Guillaume de Haciygny. It is said that he passed on his recipe to Maitre Taillevent, a famous 14th century cook who named it "Hypocras" wine".

My sweet mixture works wonders for seasoning lobes of foie gras cooked in a terrine, in a cloth or in slices to fry.
Sprinkle the apples cut into slices for a tart. Add the sugar in a regular rain, knobs of butter and cook in a hot oven.
Bring to the boil 1/2 liter of red wine with 200 grams of Muscovado sugar. Reduce the heat and add 1 teaspoon of Duke's Blend, the zest of an orange cut into fine julienne strips. Obtain a syrup that you pour over an orange salad peeled.
Season the reduced and degreased juices of red meats and game.
At the last moment, sprinkle a little of this medieval-style mixture on a parsnip or pumpkin soup.

Order your sample and fill your collection with spices from around the world.
It's also a table gift for your guests who have come to share your meal, and a little "discovery" gift for your friends and family.

Packaging :
Glass jar with mechanical closure and 4-panel cardboard label attached with a linen string.
Kraft bag with zip closure with a QR Code "The Popote Shop".
Sample presented in glass jar with mechanical closure.

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