Coffee is a drink enjoyed by many coffee lovers

Its consumption represents on average several kilos per year and per person in France. We are among the 10 largest consumers of coffee in the world.

Arabica, the arabacica trunk from Arabia and robusta, the coffea cenephora from Africa, are among the 100 known species, the 2 most cultivated types of coffee.

The robusta coffee tree, easy to grow and therefore cheaper to produce, contains more caffeine than arabica. Industrialists and their low-end coffees, willingly use it because it foams abundantly in the cup.

We offer more than 20 varieties of arabica coffees, some of which come from organic and Fairtrade farming. They come from the 4 corners of the world and from small coffee farms.

This choice offers you a beautiful palette of aromas and flavors, from the mildest to the strongest.

Step through the door of our shop and ask for Mathieu, a great lover of good coffee and good advice for your purchase. Take the time for him to pour you the hot nectar of your choice, smell, taste and validate your purchase.

📌 An exclusive event reserved for registered food lovers!
👉 Sign up now by clicking on the "Instant Gourmand" ticket below.


Thursday, Friday, and Saturday
From 10 AM to 12 PM and from 3 PM to 5 PM


25 Anna Bibert Street, Tarare, France

  • Duration

    30 minutes

  • Price

    00,00 € per person

  • Number of participants


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Soirée conviviale

Plein de petits trucs et astuces pour cuisiner avec plaisir . Ambiance du tonnerre grâce à Philippe qui est un excellent pédagogue. Et que de bonnes choses à déguster.

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